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Internationell talare

Claus Raasted

Claus Raasted has worked with designing extraordinary experiences for almost a quarter of a century. Today, he serves as the Director for The College of Extraordinary Experiences, is a Coach at McKinsey & Company, and hosts the podcast ”The Business of Extraordinary Experiences”. He is also a prolific author, with 30 books to his name, and has just finished ”The Innovation Cycle”. Raasted also has a past in reality TV, but these days, who hasn’t? Key points of the speech: Passive consumption is dying a slow death. Participation is the future. We don’t want to watch and listen. We want to co-create. We have 3 basic needs: competence, autonomy, relatable. We want to feel important, in control, and part of something bigger than ourselves. The bottom line? The future of business (and especially that of marketing) is participatory.

Populära ämnen: The Future of Business


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