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Olof Gränström

Keynote speaker Olof Gränström is a political scientist and economist. Olof’s mission in life is to make people learn and understand more about the world we live in.

It is not a lack of data that create our misconceptions of the world – it is our limited cognitive ability to understand the data. However, we actually do have the capacity to be more data driven and activate our slow thinking systems. We just need to know how to do it.

Olof has worked closely with the authors behind the acclaimed and renowned book Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think. Olof’s keynotes and insights are based on facts – not fear or biases, and he provides a legitimate starting ground for understanding the world based on facts and data.

By peaking into the human collective mind through the lens of social media, Olof is working to understand how our biases, fears and lack of knowledge affect and skew our worldview. As a senior advisor at Whispr Group, working with clients such as Spotify, Adidas and Volkswagen, he tries to understand the difference between the collective perception and the actual facts.

In a world of “fake news” and fear-based decisions, Olof’s factful keynotes are not only refreshing, they’re needed. As a political scientist, business economist and educator, he can help you understand the world we live in and the people you do business with by explaining macro trends and dramatic events, helping you avoid common misconceptions and become more data driven.

Olof has appeared on national TV and held lectures all over the world from Kathmandu to Houston. He is challenging, confident and charismatic. He has always made it his goal to provide a clear and precise understanding of our ever-changing world through stories, interactive visualizations and interesting insights. Olof speaks on a number of different topics within the fields of global development, sustainability and data analysis.

Popular topics:

  • Global development and sustainable development.
  • How Covid-19 has affected the perception of markets and industries through the lens of social media.
  • How to become more data driven in our decisions and how to avoid our biases.
  • What data can be extracted from social media and what can we learn about human behaviour from analysing social media

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