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Charlotte Mattfolk

Charlotte Mattfolk is a senior strategic advisor within the fields of future analysis and strategy, business transformation, digitalization, sustainability and entrepreneurship. Within the field of future analysis, she has a track record of over 500 studies across a wide variety of industries and topics.

Charlotte has been speaking about the future the last 20 years, with perspectives from most industries and focus on technology, AI, consumer behavior and how to ensure future-proof strategies.

With a solid vision and business acumen, she helps companies seeking innovation opportunities or to undergo digital transformation and become more sustainable. A credo Charlotte has carried with her throughout her career is the aspiration to break patterns, challenge truths and dare to try new ways of doing things, to enable new levels of success. She seeks to always encourage equality across all company levels and creating business value with social responsibility.

Charlotte Mattfolk has well-founded knowledge both as a tech entrepreneur and from the consulting world, she a passion for all things digital, as well as an ability to create engagement in an innovative, inspiring, and creative way.

She has held several roles as CEO or partner in larger management consulting firms as well as building up businesses from scratch. She holds several board positions, and she is highly involved in the startup community with engagements in companies in diverse businesses ranging from male skincare to IoT and AI.

Charlotte Mattfolk holds an M.Sc. in International Economics from Uppsala University, with undergraduate studies at Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris. She sees herself as a global citizen with a background living in Brazil, New Zeeland, France and Kenya.

Charlotte Mattfolk is the author behind several future studies, to name a few:

  • 4 Scenarios of a Future Life
    How will we live our lives in 10, 20 or 30 years? Future study based on interviews and workshops with +100 experts, researchers & CxO’s
  • The Future in 100 years
    What are the major changes we will see in the coming century? Our New Society Post Corona – interviews with 50 experts and CEO’s on the lasting effects of the pandemic and how companies need to change to adapt to this new situation
  • 2020’s Known and Unknown Trends
    What trends will shape this decade and cause major shifts in our way of living, thinking and consuming
  • The Future Consumption of Welfare Services 2030
    How the intersection of the private and public services is blurred as an effect of digitalization (Chapter of the OECD report ”Digital Transformation and Public Services” in collaboration with Stockholm School of Economics (Strategy Professor Robin Teigland and Anthony Larsson)
  • The Future of Consumption Patterns 2025
    Four scenarios describing consumer needs, technology development and how to build new business models and interactions

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