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Who we are and what we stand for

We’re here to help you find the perfect speaker for your specific event!

Booking a speaker is one thing. Booking the right speaker for every occasion is quite another.

We set up MySpeaker because we love the speaker industry and because we identified a way to increase value for our clients. We do this by finding the right skills sets for all types of events.

We are constantly looking for great new talent and people who are currently working as researchers, analysts, CEOs, sales managers, journalists, writers and artists – talented professionals who transform what they do into rewarding public speaking. In our network, we have a mix of such individuals as well as established speaker profiles skilled at evolving and innovating.

Everyone who works at MySpeaker has extensive experience in the sector. Over the years, we have met, matched, and evaluated thousands of speakers.

We are experienced, we are knowledgeable, and we have a strong culture.

Together, we have more than 70 years’ experience matching speakers and moderators and booking the right speaker profiles with relevant content for all types of clients and industries.

We are value-driven and independent, we build relationships based on trust, internally, with speakers and with our clients. Our values are quality, community, and responsibility.

Our long-term plan is to become the world’s leading speaker agency. We strive to ensure that the spoken word drives clients towards their desired goals by independently identifying the right content.

The MySpeaker Sweden team
The MySpeaker Sweden team

We’ll help you take the next step.

With detailed needs analyses, based on your specific message, wording, and story, our speaker matches become part of what you want to achieve in terms of impact and results.

We always evaluate assignments and always have a clear idea of next steps and relevant proposals for solutions going forward. We help you to identify the messages that strengthen and are connected to your business plan, your values and long-term goals – content that aligns with where you are going.

When we select new speakers or moderators, they are always quality assured and evaluated based on customer references and our own evaluation model.

Booking process

Needs analysis

Each booking begins with a thorough needs analysis to ensure that we understand you and your needs and find the best solution for you


We match your needs with relevant speakers/moderators and make proposals accordingly – some of which may be obvious, other more surprising.


We make sure that everything happens as smoothly as possible so that clients and speakers alike feel relaxed and comfortable to ensure that your event is the best it can be.


Evaluation is the best way to learn. We always conduct thorough evaluations of assignments once completed.

Next steps

We help you prepare for the next step as early as the needs analysis. Your vision is our shared goal.