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Internationell talare

Olivier Oullier

Prof. Oullier’s research focuses on decision neuroscience applied to consumer and patient engagement and behaviour change. Olivier currently writes a column on neurotechnologies "This is your brain on business" in Fortune Magazine. Olivier designs, implements and evaluates evidence-informed multi-scale behavior and system change strategies for public and private organizations. He has developed a proprietary methodology allowing to assess the gap between intention (what people say/think they do) and action (what they do in their daily activities and environments). Olivier Oullier is the President of EMOTIV, the world leader in portable, scalable, and cost-effective brain measuring and cloud-based analytics solutions. Prior to joining EMOTIV, he was a Member of the Executive Committee and the Global Head of Strategy in Health and Healthcare of the World Economic Forum. Olivier’s unique field, consulting and academic experience allows him to introduce the concepts of ’social neuromarketing’ and ’embodied economics’ as new ways to consider insights from the real life of human beings to design realistic strategies and nudges to improve people’s life and the functioning of corporations.

Populära ämnen: Social Neuromarketing | Embodied Economics | Emorationality | Consumer Neuroscience


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