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Vegard Jørmeland

Having recently gotten his first job as a software engineer our speaker Vegard Jormeland quickly realised the company had just one small problem: Nobody was using their products. Being young and naive he thought: What if we could program users the same way we can program computers? This would become the start of a long winding journey that would take him across the world – and back again. Along the way becoming a trained psychologist. Being headhunted by Big Tobacco to help them make people quit smoking. Serving as Senior VP of Behavioural Design at the largest financial services group in the Nordic countries. And founding the hyper growth startup Ottolander Medical. Vegard Jørmeland says that the hard thing about making a successful product, is often not actually making the product, but rather making people use the product. Which incidentally is his area of expertise. – Addiction by Design: Making products people can´t stop using. – The Attention Economy: How the Silicon Valley is controlling your mind. – The Secret Psychology of Email / Instagram / Facebook: And how to break the addiction. – Time to Unplug? Escaping the Digital Hamster Wheel(!) – Great artists steal : Why your Corporation do not need an Innovation Department (and what you need instead!) – Confessions from a Serial Entrepreneur gone Corporate: What I would have done if I could start over again. – Lean Startup: The Silicon Valley Way of Innovation. – Lean Startup: Iterating from Plan A to a Plan that Works.

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