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Lars Sudmann

Lars Sudmann is an advisor, keynote speaker and executive trainer on leadership, strategy, innovation and communication for global corporations and their leaders. Lars is an expert on business leadership and communication, especially for global and virtual businesses and organizations. He is the owner of Sudmann & Company, a consulting and management training network. Lars is drawing on his business experience (e.g. as CFO Belgium of Procter & Gamble) as well as consulting expertise with Fortune500 companies to help companies achieve better business and organizational results. Lars Sudmann has more than 10 year experience in leading, coaching and training leaders and managers. Lars combines his knowledge of the business world (e.g. from his experiences as CFO Belgium of Procter & Gamble) with his deep understanding of the learning and transformation process. Lars key focus is on leadership and communication training.  There, especially the latest challenges of a modern organization (e.g. virtual environments, new technologies, the need to inspire, work/life balance) are part of Lars’ unique training program and approach which results in the fact that Lars Sudmann frequently a higher than 90% satisfaction rate in his training. Lars Sudmann supports executive teams in times of change, strategic redirection, performance improvement, and turnaround both as an advisor as well as an operational/interim manager. Additionally, Lars spends his time analyzing what makes businesses and individuals successful, e.g. as lecturer at the universities of Braunschweig (business leadership), Lüneburg (organizational change & virtual teams) as well as the RWTH Aachen University (innovation in communication). Business Leadership Global collaboration for success – How international organisations thrive Rapid Strategy Development – Getting clarity fast Change & Crisis Leadership Leading the Swarm – Making your organisation future-proof, innovative and agile High Performance Decision Making Building a High-Performance Culture The Successful Virtual Organization – Potential and Requirements Implementing a cost-focussed culture, including our workshop “Big savings ideas in one day” Communication & Presentation Speak like a Leader – inspirational communication skills Business Presentation Skills Advanced Presentation & Communication Skills Inspiring and Engaging Virtual Communication & Meetings People Leadership Inspirational Leadership High Performance Leadership The Presence & Influence CODE Leading Remote and Virtual Teams The Inspiring Leader in the Virtual World Self Leadership The Art of Self Leadership in the 21st Century Lead your Life to Balanced Success Mentoring – the hidden tool for leadership success

Populära ämnen: Speak like a Leader – inspirational communication skills | Rapid Strategy Development – Getting clarity fast | Leading Remote and Virtual Teams | The Art of Self Leadership in the 21st Century | Leading the Swarm – Making your organisation future-proof, innovative and agile


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